I hereby apply for membership to the Lakeside Yacht Club, and if accepted, agree to abide by the club rules and regulations. As a number of club functions are available to members and their families, we ask that you complete the information below, if applicable.
Please read the rules below the form. Your application indicates acceptance.
Any work performed on club projects and social functions equaling 5 hours of work qualifies for a
reduced membership upon payment of the following year membership. For example: When a person
pays the $75 membership fee and puts in a minimum of 5 hours work for the club (must be recorded in
the work hours book) then the following year membership is only $55.
A person applying for membership is required to attend a board of directors’ meeting prior to the
application being voted on.
Initial Membership Fees to Join – $75.00
Yearly Renewal Fees are $55.00 with 5 Work hours donated to the club.
Without work hours the renewal Club Membership is $130. Membership dues to be paid in full by
January 31st of every year. Non-payment will result in deactivation of fob. Fob Reactivation fee of
$10.00 will apply.
$10 refundable deposit for Fob required for Club access. Deposit is refundable upon return of fob,
unless fob has been deactivated due to nonpayment of yearly member dues.